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Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a liquid substance that contains silver ions and fluoride. It has gained attention in dentistry as a non-invasive treatment for arresting and preventing tooth decay (caries), particularly in children and individuals with high caries risk.

:1. Mechanism of action: When applied to a tooth affected by caries, silver diamine fluoride has a dual action. The silver ions act as an antimicrobial agent, inhibiting the growth of bacteria responsible for causing tooth decay. The fluoride ions help to remineralize the tooth structure, strengthening and protecting it from further decay.

  1. Application: Silver diamine fluoride is applied topically to the affected tooth using a brush or cotton swab. It is a quick and painless procedure, typically requiring only a few minutes. It is important to note that the affected area may turn black temporarily after application due to the silver compound’s discoloration effect.
  2. Indications: Silver diamine fluoride is primarily used for managing dental caries in situations where traditional restorative treatments (such as fillings) may not be immediately feasible or appropriate. It can be beneficial in young children with cavities in primary (baby) teeth, individuals with special needs who may have difficulty tolerating conventional treatments, and in cases where caries are present in hard-to-reach areas.
  3. Advantages: Silver diamine fluoride offers several advantages. It is a non-invasive and painless treatment, making it suitable for patients who are anxious or uncooperative during dental procedures. It can be easily applied, even in a primary care or community setting, without the need for extensive dental equipment. It is cost-effective compared to traditional restorative treatments, and it can delay or avoid the need for more invasive procedures.
  4. Limitations: While silver diamine fluoride is effective in arresting caries progression, it does not restore the tooth structure. The black discoloration of the affected area can be a cosmetic concern, particularly for visible anterior teeth. Therefore, it is usually recommended for use in primary teeth or as an interim measure until more definitive treatment can be provided.

It’s important to note that silver diamine fluoride should be used under the guidance and supervision of a dental professional. They will evaluate your specific dental condition and determine if silver diamine fluoride is a suitable treatment option for you or if other interventions are necessary.

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